Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We recently received the following update on Llouie who was adopted back in 2007......


I thought you would like to know that Llouie got his Starters ADC title a month ago. There was a photographer there recently and you will find some good pics of him having a blast. (Except the teeter which he is still hesitant about – but the little guy does it anyway!)

Big brother Sherman was there too, but at 13 he is jumping only 10” FEO, and just for fun.


Freestyle –

And here is Llouie’s entry in the Musical Dog Sport Association video competition in the Novice class. He got a leg. (Filmed last Sept for the Nov competition) (He had been here only 10 months at this point)

And here is Sherman ’s entry. He got his second leg and Novice title with this one.

I am SO proud of both these guys – does it show???

Judine Wilson

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